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Download Calendar For September 2018


Designed by Silo Creativo








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Downloadable Calendar: September 2020

And we are in September already. The September of the Year that we will all always remember and about which we will talk to our children while they study it at school. If September normally is the time to start, to think about a new course, this year possibly even more, after a different but equally enjoyed summer.

Either way, in this particular September (as everything is) it is time to think, sit down and organize the new course. And to think that although it is different, in the end it does not change so much and, as always, it usually marks the beginning of something.

We will use it like kangaroos. To make a kit-kat and go down to the shore to think about how this year is going to end.

Font combination

In this case we used the Rote font for the month, free to download, and we combined it with the Gayathri google font. There is a font with three styles within the same family that make it versatile to use it in the same project.

Colour combination

Little by little, autumn is coming into our lives and floods our environment with earthy colours and tones. There is still a hint of summer, but the rain and hail are becoming more and more evident.

Designed by Silo Creativo








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Downloadable Calendar: September 2019

Summer is coming to an end, but that should not distress us. A new course opens before us full of opportunities and great plans. We always say it, although the year starts in January, September is also a month of doing a clean slate.

This year we wanted to dedicate the month to the flamingos. They are always attentive to everything, with their straight leg, but without losing detail of what happens around them.

We have many plans for this new academic year. Summer has served us to rest and we start September very motivated. We hope that it is the same for you and that September is a great month!

Font combination

In this case we have used a combination of Google font for both the font of the month and the day. In the month, the Delius Unicase is the chosen one, a handwritten font with a childlike character.

For the font of the numbers we took the Muli, with 14 styles within the same family, that we can use in a multitude of combinations.

Colour combination

How could it be otherwise, pink is the fundamental colour in this illustration. The flamingos invade the pink atmosphere and complement it with the green, creating a tropical environment that ends up helping us to remember the summer.

Designed by Silo Creativo








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Downloadable Calendar: September 2018

I know we say it every year, but with the arrival of September the new academic year arrives and so the moment in which we try to organise all our ideas. It is true that the year begins in January and there are many projects that come, but it is in September when we find the best time to look back and keep everything we have learned to see where are we going.

After a "different"academic year, I see this September as a road in which the end is not very clear. It will be best to travel with each one of the events that are going to happen. I will write more regularly (Silo Creativo needs to talk more about fonts this year! 😉 ) and as we always try, we will bringa lot of news.

Although September means the end of the summer, in our case a great summer, we are not sad. We will start with all the energy it has given to us! In addition, there is one month left until July of next year! 😉

Font combination

As usual, we have combined a creative and original font for the name of the month and another more elegant for the numbers. On the one hand we have Borsok Regular font, a free download font that has captivated us with its thick lines and curves that give it a fun air. On the other hand we have a Google Font of a great family, the Mplus. They contrasts perfectly.

Colour combination

We wanted to transmit a nocturnal atmosphere, in which the moon had a leading role, but the central axis was transmitted by the highway. For this reason we have used a range of cold colours, green and blue, that transmit to us that night in which everything acquires that colour having as different figures the aforementioned ones. We combined the moon, with a whitish colour and the road.

Designed by Silo Creativo








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Downloadable Calendar: September 2017

This summer we have done many things. We went on holiday. We packed everything in the van and went to explore, but most importantly, we closed for happiness!

We have explored new horizons and places feeling like real corsairs discovering a new archipelago. An archipelago to live, to know and to explore and in which we hope to stay a long time.

As the song says "Sailing without fear at sea is the best" and we keep sailing slowly to enjoy the whole trip.

We hope that this new course will give us many more explorations so we enjoy the new conquered archipelago.

Font combination

We wanted to find a font combination that created contrast and in which a marine font that you alredy know appeared, the cookit. It is a font with a lot of style that gives us a funny air, or why not a "pirate" air.

We have also used another font for the numbers, the PT sans, known by all and that establishes the contrast that we searched with the cookit font.

Colour combination

As predominant colours we have combined the blue and red colours with different shades of both, so they produce contrast between the blue of the sea and the sky and the different elements such as the ship and the archipelago.

Although the year begins in January, for everybody September is the beginning of the new course, so it is time to make plans and organize projects. It is also a good month to enjoy the good weather, so we wish that you continue exploring as corsairs and enjoy everything that the month ahead.

Designed by Silo Creativo



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Downloadable Calendar: September 2016

When September arrives, always we tend to think that summer is over and with it the routine comes, and we keep all the things we like in a drawer until the next summer. However, September need not be that, it is a month of momentum; we should arrive with batteries recharged and raring to take on the world.

Moreover, although the days are shorter it is still summer, and therefore we can leverage each of their hours (although we returned to the routine.) So, we are facing an exciting month in which sure there will be changes that will only make us to have more desire to get down to work and start the "academic year" with force.

So we return to dedicate the calendar to nights; those starry nights of September that allow us to ask our whishes to a shooting star…

Colour combination

Like any illustration of night, the dark blue is the predominant, achieving a combination with light colours that make the contrast and light of it. In addition we print brushstrokes in oranges to give warmth that cool colours can remove.

We want with this colour combination to print contrast but without losing the essence that all starry night must have, illuminated on a dark canvas.

Font combination

With fonts, as we usually do, we make a combination of a more creative nature, in this case Matilda, with another perfect font for paragraphs that we have already seen in the blog, such as the Google Font Cabin.

In this way we print freshness to the title, and give greater clarity to the numbers, so we have them perfectly organized.

We hope you like it and you profit each of the days and nights that September offers!

Designed by Silo Creativo



1024×768 (Recommended for Tablets)

1280×720 (Perfect for Mobile devices)

1280×800(Recommended for Laptops)



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Downloadable Calendar: September 2015

I love Summer, but I understand that it has to finish… So, I am thinking in the next season and, like every September is the moment to say "hello" to school!

Designed by Silo Creativo



1024×768 (Recommended for Tablets)

1280×720 (Perfect for Mobile devices)

1280×800 (Recommended for Laptops)



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Downloadable Calendar: September 2014

"Summer is almost over, but it does not mean that we are saying goodbye to the good stuff"

Designed by Silo Creativo



1024×768 (Recommended for Tablets)

1280×720 (Perfect for Mobile devices)

1280×800 (Recommended for Laptops)



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